5 Easy Tips to Learn to Code

In this blog post, I will detail five tips to learn to code. These five tips will help you in your programming career whether you are a student, an adult looking for a career change, or someone looking to start a new hobby.

1.    Code every day

Make it a habit to code every day. Hands-on experience is essential when learning to code. There is a lot of information to cover when learning a new language and practicing every day will build consistency. The 100 days of code challenge is perfect for new coders. The challenge is to code every day for at least an hour a day for 100 consistent days. Don’t be afraid to document your progress. Using social media to document is a great way to network and meet other coders on your journey. I’ve met many first-time coders and seasoned coders who were doing the 100 days of code challenge.

2.    Learn the fundamentals.

Learning the fundamentals early in your programming journey is key. When working on a project, break it down the concepts of the language. Breakdown the concepts by focusing on the basics such as Syntax, variables, loops, arrays, data type, etc. Create short-term goals for yourself and start a monthly checklist. This can help keep you on track to code every day. For example, one week you may want to focus on Syntax and by week three you may want to learn variables. However you decide to break down the task, just do it in a way that works best for you.

3.    Write it out.

Writing out the program by hand has helped me a lot throughout the years. Sometimes staring at a computer monitor for long periods just isn’t the answer. Grab a pen and paper and try it by hand. I keep a notebook of some of those programming fundamentals I mentioned in the second tip.

4.    Use resources.

Ask your peers for help. Remember my tech talk on the importance of networking? This is where that video comes in hand. Connecting with people online and building relationships can be helpful when looking for resources. Online resources are also a benefit in programming. There are many free resources available online for you to use. Take advantage of them. Check out my “Tech Talk: Free Resources” for more information. 

5.    Keep calm and code.

Can you guess how many times I need to walk away from my computer? Here’s a hint, it’s A LOT. Keep calm and code is the most important tip when coding and debugging. Programming can become frustrating and so you must take mini-breaks. Stand up and strength, take a short walk, or grab your favorite snack.